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Elder Scrolls Online – What is Update 19
2018-07-29 10:23
Update 19 is the next Elder Scrolls Online major patch since Summerset expansion was released. The update comes with new content and changes to the character system. PvP players will be happy to know that the content addition is actually a new battleground. It is called Istirus Outpost and it can be found in the south-western side of Cyrodiil. This fortress with stone walls has a different structure than other arenas. Players will notice that the map is not symmetrical. This opens up some interesting navigating possibilities. Each team will come up with a unique way to tackle the layout. Another interesting thing about the new arena is that players can use their mounts. This is not possible in older arenas. The Alliance War receives some updates as well. The newly introduced feature for this mode is the keep recall stones. Players will be able to use these new ESO items to navigate the map faster. Rewards from PvP activities are improved. Players will receive a new costume, Gladiator, but also PvP styles. 

There are some changes regarding character development. The skill reset system was updated. When players decide to change their character's built, they are now able to reset individual skills. The old system would reset all skills. This is a great update as it was annoying having to invest points again for the smallest change. The Werewolf skill line went through some changes. The combat abilities were improved. Update 19 will be released at the same time as the Wolfhunter DLC. Unlike the DLC which is premium content, the update is free. Players are reminded that battlegrounds are not an expansion feature anymore so those who have the base game only can take part in them as well. The Wolfhunter DLC adds two new dungeons. This is a great time to play Elder Scrolls Online. The Summerset expansion adds lots of new activities, a new DLC is on the way and the update improves the character system, and adds a new PvP arena. 

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