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  •  Elder Scrolls Online - Cradle of Shadows Hardmode Tactics
Elder Scrolls Online - Cradle of Shadows Hardmode Tactics
2020-01-20 16:17
Before this boss, Elder Scrolls Online players will encounter a couple of packs. The tank has to face the mobs away from the group and the other players should always stay behind them. Take down the totems first as they buff the mobs. When you see the braziers, activate them and stand in the light. Darkness buffs enemies and debuffs players so be aware of the positioning. The boss has to be kept in the light areas. Sithera does some attacks that can be interrupted. At 50% HP, you need to switch to the other brazier. There will also be spider adds that should be taken down before the boss. At 30% HP, you have to change braziers again.

Use the braziers to kill the mobs just as you did before the first boss. The room with Khephidaen also has braziers and the same mechanic applies. Keep the boss in the light. The heavy attack has to be blocked. Make sure that only the tank stays in front of the boss. Avoid the AOE on the ground. The boss does a channel spell that should be interrupted. Spider adds can be taken down with AOE. Continue after the boss is down and don't forget to press the rusted lever before jumping down. 

Votary of Velidreth
Position the boss in the center of the room and try to keep it there. All players have to get out of the ground AOE. The heavy attack hits hard. Don't stand in front of the boss. Interrupt the boss when he attempts to recover HP. There will be some spider adds that can be AOEd down. Use the rusted lever before moving on. 

Dranos Velador
Tank the boss in the middle of the room and watch out for the heavy attack. When the boss goes immune, you will fight three clones. As they die, they drop an orb that has to be picked up so you can resume doing damage to the boss. Block the boss when he does the jumping attack. Interrupt the two adds to prevent the tank from dying. 

The Ogrim monsters that you encounter before the boss have to be turned away from the group and killed first. The tank has to face the boss away from the players and be careful with the heavy attack. Watch out for the balls that can deplete your resources. Adds must be killed as soon as possible. Pick up the torches dropped by the atronach adds. Don't move when the boss goes up and dodge when she comes back down. In the next part, you will need the torches to avoid traps. Crowd control the adds. Find the open door and rejoin the fight. The mechanics repeat with increased difficulty.

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(Contributed by Reda)
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