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Elder Scrolls Online – How To Start The Adventure in Western Skyrim
2020-06-18 14:21
Are you keen on starting Elder Scrolls Online: Greymoor? Here is what you need to know. First of all, you should know that you can start the expansion with an existing character or a new one. You don't have to be max level to go to Western Skyrim. The game level-scales the content so you will have an appropriate challenge at any level. Assuming that you've already bought Elder Scrolls Online: Greymoor, here are the various ways to start your Wester Skyrim journey.
Before everything, it's a good idea to check out the free Prologue. The quest offers an introduction to the main story that will unfold throughout the expansion. It doesn't take long to complete it so we encourage you to do that first. If you decide to take your existing character into Greymoor, then the easiest way to get there is to use a wayshrine. Even if you've never been to the new game zone, there's one wayshrine that is already unlocked. Open the map, locate the new province called Western Skyrim, open the map, and click the only wayshrine you see on the map. It's the one that takes you to the Solitude Docks.
There are other wayshrines but you will have to unlock them before using. You can start the main Greymoor quest line before getting there. Just open the Collection menu and then access Stories and Chapters. Under Greymoor, you will find the first quest which is called The Gathering Storm. The quest will direct you towards Solitude but it won't be via wayshrine. You will reach Solitude with the boat. Once you get there, you can start your Greymoor adventure.
Those who decide to discover Greymoor with a new character can do that as well. Players will be required to complete the new tutorial first. Once the tutorial is finished, they will start their adventure from scratch in Western Skyrim. New characters are free to head straight to Solitude to start the main quest line. They can also take their time and wander around for a bit to explore this newly added game zone. The enemies and activities scale according to your level so you don't need to worry about being out-leveled.
Greymoor brings new content, including a new skill. The Antiquities system allows players to uncover the past and to get some nice rewards in the process. Speaking of valuable items, don't forget to check out the U7Buy store should you need ESO gold or items!

(Contributed by Reda; Edited by Hermes_Fang)
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