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  •  Top Five League Of Legends Champions For Beginner Players
Top Five League Of Legends Champions For Beginner Players
2024-01-09 10:44

At U7Buy, we have LOL accounts at cheap prices for all players! League of Legends is challenging for new players due to its complexity and depth. The difficulty, of course, varies from person to person. Understanding the game's mechanics, objectives, map awareness, and champion interactions is crucial. This knowledge develops over time as players gain experience and learn from their matches. But what happens when you are completely new to the game? The champion selection is overwhelming. Knowing what is expected from your role and how to play your character are paramount. Choosing the best League of Legends champions for beginners depends on the preferred play style. Generally, champions with straightforward mechanics are recommended.

League of Legends Garen for Top Lane

Garen has a simple kit with a passive healing ability, a silence, and a powerful ultimate. He's durable and relatively easy to pick up. His passive allows him to regenerate health when out of combat. Make use of this to sustain in the lane and return to fights healthier. Activate the Q ability (Decisive Strike) before engaging enemies for a burst of movement speed and silence on your next basic attack. Use your Q to silence opponents before engaging. Follow up with basic attacks and your E (Judgment) ability for quick trades. Remember to activate your W (Courage) when taking damage. When farming, focus on last-hitting minions to accumulate gold. Garen's E ability helps with clearing waves efficiently.

League of Legends Annie for Mid Lane

Annie is an uncomplicated mage in League of Legends, known for her burst damage and crowd control. Use your Q (Disintegrate) to secure the last hits on minions. The ability refunds mana if it kills the target, helping you sustain in lane. Poke enemies with your auto-attacks and Q. When your stun is up (indicated by the Pyromania counter), you can look for a more aggressive trade using your full combo. Annie's stun and burst make her a good roamer. After pushing your wave, consider roaming to other lanes, especially when your ultimate is available.

League of Legends Amumu for Jungle

Amumu is a tanky jungler known for his crowd control and team fight presence. Amumu's basic attacks reduce the target's magic resistance, making him a more effective magic damage dealer. His ultimate is a powerful area-of-effect stun that can turn the tide of team fights. Use it to initiate, disrupt enemy carries, or peel for your team. Amumu excels at ganking thanks to his Q (Bandage Toss) engagement potential. Aim your Bandage Toss carefully to catch enemies. After hitting your Q, activate W (Despair) and E (Tantrum) for additional damage.

League of Legends Jinx for Attack Damage Carry

Jinx is a versatile marksman known for her strong late-game scaling and AOE damage. Position yourself carefully in team fights. Use Rocket Launcher to hit multiple enemies, and switch to Minigun when focusing on a single target. Be aware of your surroundings and use Flame Chompers to peel for yourself. Items such as the Kraken Slayer, Runaan's Hurricane, and Infinity Edge synergize well with Jinx's kit, enhancing her critical strike damage and attack speed.

League of Legends Leona for Support

Leona's abilities mark enemies with Sunlight. When her allies damage marked enemies, they consume the mark to deal bonus magic damage. Leona excels at engaging fights. Use your E (Zenith Blade) to catch opponents, follow up with Q (Shield of Daybreak) to stun them, and activate W (Eclipse) for additional durability. After pushing the wave or securing a kill, consider roaming mid to assist your team. Leona's crowd control can have a great impact in other lanes.

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